Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Better Late Than Never... NOT!

Our first meeting in Technopreneurship and just my luck... I was late. Well that's not a first, I am one of those outstanding students who regularly comes to class on time... not :P. When I step in and enter the room, I already know what's in it for me. Well well presenting Sir RSG's house/class rule no.___, late comers will present their special "hidden" talent in front of the class! Zzzz just standing in front of everyone drains a whole lot of my energy but hey it was quite an achievement since I didn't actually feel any embarassment lol and if you might not know yet I'm a shy person *blush. I'm never going to be late again.

Anyway our facilitator asked us to visit and observe fast food chains, malls, and hotels or schools (three of each) and think of an innovation that would make things a lot easier, make the customer/people's life much simpler. My mind got little bit playful and thought of a lot of silly things but I'm not gonna tell. That's only between me and I :3. Well good luck to us!



Rolf Passage said...

what did you do??? you missed telling us what you did in front...

archlire said...

I sang LOOOL... it was only 2 lines anyway :P

Fred Campo said...

진짜? 우와 안 봤어

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