I think I’m going to go crazy with this 5000 word reflection (I’m going to cry T-T). So let’s start of on the very first thing I did when I came to class. Okay so I said in my last reflection that “I am never going to be late again” but I somehow ate the words right out from my mouth. I was late again for I think 5 fudging minutes or so. I won’t reason out because everything that happened that can be considered justifications that morning are all dumb excuses. No way out, sing and you are in! So I sang yet another song. This time it was Paramore’s “That’s What You Get”. I sang it all the way up to the chorus before our facilitator decided I’m being noisy and let me take my seat. Then later I realized that the song started with “No SIR! Well I don’t want to be the blame not anymore. It’s your turn…” and the SIR may somehow pertain to our facilitator the first time he heard it and I was like (*O*). I got a bit uneasy lol anyway it’s just a song… is what I keep telling myself. Still I was wondering what did our facilitator thought the moment I sang the first line of the song. Curiosity killed the cat so never mind that. Anyway I’m quite surprised we had a discussion since he already said we would learn nothing from him but surprisingly and unexpectedly, I learned a lot. Not technical skills but life lessons that would surely leave a mark on me and will forever be implanted in my brain as well as my heart. I know we were asked to reflect and discuss on what we liked and least liked during the discussion but I’ll go straight and reflect from the lessons I learned and how it may or may not affected me and my ambitions. And to be perfectly honest, halfway through the discussion I got a bit bored and doodled my way out of boredom in a sheet of paper where we did the activity “9 dots” (you can refer to my previous reflection as to what this is). I still listened bit by bit though hehe. Here goes nothing… take a deep breath and dive in! Your adventure awaits!
The first activity we did was to follow all his instructions, ACCURATELY. So he told us to bring a whole sheet of yellow paper. And just my luck, I had none. So I was already thinking of asking from my nearest classmates who had an extra sheet but plot twist, he stopped us and threatened those who will give a paper to write a 5000 thousand word reflection (and now we still did get to write even without that). More plot twists! Those who doesn’t have a paper can buy from someone with an extra but, plot twist again, it should cost Php 50.00 per sheet and I was like (*o*) again. What a really lucky day right? Then he told us to use only black pens and to my relief I had one in my bag! Those that didn’t have a pen or simply a black inked one, again, have to buy it from the one who has an extra but this time it is worth Php 100.00 (*o*). So it was settled and just as we thought we could get back our money after the class. He then announces that he’s going to get a certain percentage off of the people who collected the money since he was the mastermind and then again I was like (*o*). Of course all of it was just a bluff and he wasn’t being serious. It was just a simple activity to help us or rather show us how business actually works. It’s amazing how a simple activity like that could help you learn more. Well it actually makes sense since experience is the best way of learning, also learning the hard way.
The second activity we did was called “9 dots”. I will not go through specific detail with this one since I’ve already written a reflection about this on my previous entry. So the idea is to connect all 3 x 3 dots without lifting your pen on the paper or the board. I actually know the solution to the puzzle that I found this quite easy but I never thought it would scream a lot of learning in my head. To think outside the box. Go beyond what you usually see. See the world in different light. Everything could come down to just one word: INNOVATE.
The discussion proper…
The usual mindset: “Go to school, get good grades, and land in a high paying job”. This is the exact phrase that our facilitator told us. Is it the truth? For most of us, yes including me, it is. In actuality this is already considered a fact. Still, I’m a bit thankful for this kind of mindset. If it weren’t for this I think I’d actually be an out of school youth by now or a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) or even a shut in with no social life. Why? My parents sent me to school with this in mind and just like what our facilitator guessed, I still carry this kind of mindset until now and to confirm it, it is very true (Although not getting good grades but just passing the subject is enough for me now). With this in mind I still continue to go to school, go wrestle with the professors, and waste my time when I can do more outside of this tiresome school. I know I’m being frank but that is what I think and yes I may look responsible and all but deep inside I’m screaming “That’s just too troublesome!!!”. Back in elementary or even way back preschool, I’m already tired of schooling. The annoying sound of alarms, my mother’s sharp voice waking me up from my deep slumber and my father’s rambling whenever I decide not to go to school. He even punched the wall and there was a time he dragged me out of bed. I was forced to go to school but still I was thankful. Although they never told me to get good grades I just somehow get them on my own :P. Usually parents tries to tell their children what to become when they grow up, that they should become here and whatnot, that they should be good at school study really hard to get good grades and graduate with flying colors in order for them to land or work in a big company that pays very high without any difficulties and problems during employment. I’m lucky my parents is not that strict and gave me the freedom choose but somehow, I don’t know why, but for some reason I’ve been carrying that principle or what we call mindset since the very beginning. It’s maybe because of one of those information theories wherein when a lot or majority of people know the answer to a very tricky question, information about it gets disseminated mysteriously and then a lot more people will know the answer even if it’s the first time they encountered it. That theory really gave me Goosebumps when I read about it. They actually conducted an experiment about it. First, they conducted a survey in an enclosed area or was it a country with “ancient” civilization so that information about what they were would not get out or get dessiminated through radios or tvs, show them an obscure and vague picture and let them guessed what it is. The percentage of those who knew the answer was very low. For the record, it’s the picture of a dog. Then they conducted it again in another area with the same number of people and the percentage of those who guessed it right significantly increased. Not yet convinced, they conducted it again in yet again another area and the rest you can figure, the percentage of those who knew increased again. This theory (because it’s still too trivial to call it fact now) just made me realize that maybe just maybe this how our standard way of life came to light. Standards that dictates us on how to live our lives. Standards that clouded our mind from what’s beyond we usually see, and standards that blinded us from seeing life in a different way of living. This might also be the reason how that certain mindset was implanted to us. My parents never talked to me about it but I unconsciously knew that it was what I was set to do. Yet if it weren’t for that I’d have rather shut myself in my room doing nothing pratical and counter productive. I know that we all need to be educated and laziness is not an excuse not to. Yes, I’m lazy. I’m an introvert who thinks high and mighty. In the end though, I’m still just a stupid kid who cries whenever he falls down. That’s the story behind why I’m still here today striving to survive this hell of a school, writing my most awesome reflection yet, and the reason why you still see me every now and then at the University. This mindset somehow saved me. This mindset somehow gave me the reason to go to school, to study, and most especially it gave me a goal that I still need to accomplish, a goal that may never come true. I once stumble upon a saying that says “Set your goal too high and it might not be a goal at all, just a dream, and a mere illusion”. Setting your goal too high might also demotivate you. Set something within your grasp first and make it a stepping a stone towards your real goal in life. Speaking of which, my actual goal is to live and work in Japan. My obsession to anime and manga (Japanese Comics) is what drives me to achieve this goal. Then our facilitator somehow crushed that idea (Although not totally). “Tayo and nagsaing, iba ang kumain”. Many of the best graduates in the University help in the development of other places – not from where they came from. They are sought after by big companies, lured and bribed with special and attractive offers. This happens every single year. As what our facilitator would like to call it “The Brain Drain Cycle”. This made me rethink of what to do first after I graduate (Assuming I can work in Japan). Even if I could not become one of the best graduates in the University I still think it would be great if I could somehow repay this city, who adopted me, with my skills and to the best of my abilities. Still, my motivation to go and work in Japan still is strong. It was my dream since when? I think high school or so I remember. I really really want to go to Japan. The technology, the lifestyle, their culture, their food, I just fell in love with all of it. My sister is currently residing now in Japan with her husband (who’s half Filipino and half Japanese, a descendant for short) and her cute little child. Here I am getting really jealous waiting for the day I can finally set foot in Japan. Maybe I can visit then go back or even better: collaborate with some Japanese IT companies to help on the development of Davao… is what I thought. Dreaming is free but dreaming high is a head ache. That may not be entirely impossible but I really can’t imagine myself doing that awesome thing. I can imagine myself more sleeping the whole day doing nothing in particular. I can’t even bring myself to speak what I’m thinking in front of some acquaintances. Well, we’ll never know. A miracle may occur somehow, someday, somewhere and would happen unexpectedly. I just need to be prepared, to be a Boy Scout “laging handa!” to every circumstance that may occur throughout my boring but awesome (?) way of life. Anyway after I graduate I was actually planning on maybe taking up Fine Arts for a year or so and pursuing an art career, go to Japan and become an unknown mangaka (comic artist). That’s what I thought. Now, why can’t I become a mangaka here in Davao? Promote it and sometime soon maybe a lot of artist will start publishing their own works. If this happens, we can actually start a project in making animations or “anime” adaptations base from the famous manga. We could start an animation company here in Davao (calling all Donut Cross members *wink *wink)! Wow that sure is big. If only I had the money why not? Well it was actually or should I say originally part of my plan to become an animator that’s why I decided to study Information Technology. I never expected it to be this uh, how should I say this, hard or something like asdasdfasd (nga nga if you know what I mean). I wanted to be an animator but I lack the resources to be one. I’ve never even tried it out yet (making a GIF is a different story). I still have the opportunity to make one though. I’m going to try it out on our project in Multimedia which still needs an approve proposal from our client which is in this case our professor in this subject. Ironic isn’t it? Well we’ll just have to try our best and when I say best it means climbing up the fifth floor then jumps and tries my best not to die. Seems impossible? No. I just need wings to fly :P.
The alternative mindset: “Go to school, get good grades, and create and own a company”. Who doesn’t want to be a boss? Well surely, it’s me. It’s kind of ironic how I don’t like getting bossed around at the same time does not like the feeling of ordering anyone around. I’m pretty submissive and to tell the truth, I’m a no go in becoming a leader. In fact I’d rather let someone decide for me rather than me deciding on my own (I’m a bit of a masochist). Yeah you could say I’m pretty bad at decision making just like how I decided to study Information Technology in this University with a blank face not knowing what I’m up to. I could have pursued an art career but seeing my father (a Fine Arts graduate) penniless, it made rethink of what to do in my life. I did have regrets, yes, but that’s what also kept me going because if and only if I become successful in the near future (roughly 2 years from now) those regrets would turn into gratitude. What now? I don’t want to become a boss nor do I want to be bossed around. Would it be possible to do it alone? Or maybe with a partner? Or my group? Hey! Why not? An independent worker is not that bad. I’ve seen so many great indie games that are created by only one or two developers. All we need are collaborations. I also dreamed way back on becoming a game developer myself. I may not look like it but I’m actually pretty hard on video games. Still I don’t think games would be a good start. I want to start up with a more creative, useful, wowing kind of innovation that could go “BOOM!” in everyone’s mind. Contributing in the technological development here in Davao is what our facilitator told us after we graduate. Fair enough since this is the city where we grew and learned everything we had until now. This is the alternative mindset our facilitator proposed on us. I don’t think I could grasp the idea fully yet but for safety assurance I’ll always keep this in mind and always make it a part of my decisions whenever I need it.
So what is technopreneurship and what is a technopreneur? According to blogger, Rajesh Sakya, a Yahoo! contributor, that I happen to stumble upon while searching what technopreneurship really is, he stated that “Technopreneurship is not a product but a process of synthesis in engineering the future of a person, an organization, a nation and the world. In a digital, knowledge based society, strategic directions or decision-making processes will be demanding and complex. This requires tertiary level and professional development programs and training to produce strategic thinkers who will have the skills to succeed in a dynamically changing global environment. Traditional educational programs, however, lack the methodology to transform today's students into creative, innovative, visionary global leaders who understand the importance of technopreneurship.” That last sentence is I think what sir RSG is trying to overcome. And if I am not mistaken he is trying to “transform today's students into creative, innovative, visionary global leaders who understand the importance of technopreneurship.” at least here in Davao or in some other places too. I can’t promise anything but I will try my best to meet his expectations. Lol what? Technopreneurship, according to what our professor told us, it is an entrepreneurship in the field of high technology. It is the healthy interplay of viable technology ideas, technology skills and the entrepreneurial mindset. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, the makers of Google and Youtube, persons behind every technological innovation, name them all they are all what we call technopreneurs. Yet again another quote from Rajesh Sakya “A technopreneur is an entrepreneur who is technology savvy, creative, innovative, dynamic, dares to be different and take the unexplored path, and very passionate about their work. They take challenges and strive to lead their life with greater success. They don't fear to fail. They take failure as a learning experience, a stimulator to look things differently and stride for next challenge. Technopreneurs continuously go through an organic process of continual improvement and always try to redefine the dynamic digital economy.”. Wow that was kind of deep but hey he just explained the very definition of what a technopreneur really is. That is what sir RSG want us to be. To be creative. To be innovative. Dynamic and original. And most of all to think outside the box, dares to be unique and explores the unexplored path and pursue our idea and be very passionate about it. It sure is a tough road up ahead but let’s try and look up to those people who started small and now one of the big names in today’s IT or Technopreneurship industry. “Technology and entrepreneurial skills are driving many economies to prosperity. The most famous of them all is, Bill Gates, who makes Microsoft a household name all over the world. Steve Jobs - well known for his innovations. iPod - most carried gadget by young population. Look at the success of Google - brain child of Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Who don't know Google?” –Rajesh Sakya. See? This is what driving out economy to prosperity. As what our very own sir RSG discussed during the class discussion and sharing, power was different before. It is those who has lands and mansions that controls the power of the economy, it’s those people that drives the economy to prosperity before but what happened to them now? They got powerless. Their lands were transformed into Malls, Plazas, building offices, five star hotels, and etc. Persons like Henry Sy, Gaisano, and more became powerful. It was the era of industrial civilization here and it’s still is until now. But it the technology and entrepreneurship that drives our economy to prosper and bloom. Technologies that makes our life a lot easier. But we should not go to the point where we all live in a world similar to what Pixar and Disney visualized and showed us in the infamous movie “Wall-E”. It’s maybe just a fantasy but we’ll never what our future awaits us so it’s best to be prepared. Anyway because it’s different now than it was before, we need to innovate, visualize something new pursue it and somehow strive to make it a reality. Take the path of a technopreneur. Do not be afraid of failing. Take it as a stepping stone and as a lesson at the same time to achieve success waiting atop. Grasped the idea yet? Well let’s just say it all starts with an IDEA! Ideas which when pursued, has the capacity to be transformed into a viable technology based enterprise. At least that was what our facilitator told us. He also discussed a lot of possible implications in technopreneurship. It all starts with an idea right? What if we pursue this idea and somehow someone is willing to support you making that technological idea to reality? We accept and start our own startup company using the idea we had. Invest and pretty much win win if successful. Starting your company is bit scary. You may end up bankrupted but that’s the challenge we need to face! We need to start from the bottom and if we successfully climbed up the top, our IT industry will might as well blossom but still it is a steep road up ahead full of high level monsters so be warned and bring and wear your best weapons of war and excellent grade armors. But still there are a lot of factors that hinders this way of thinking. Just like what was said earlier in my reflection, a lot of big companies sought the best graduates in town and offers a lot of big special packages and compensations that you or even I can’t say no to. Work outside the country is also one the big factor that affects this mindset. As we all know money makes the world go round and of course we tend to choose works with higher salary and we know works outside the country gives you double, triple, or even five times the salary of normal employee here in the Philippines in particular. Let me give you an example. I have two sisters; one is a college graduate, a nurse, and one who stopped and now, just like what I said earlier, residing and working in Japan as a factory worker. My sister here who currently works at Davao Doctors Hospital (DDH) as reliever roughly receives 10 thousand per month and my other sister who is a normal factory worker in Japan receives at least 20 thousand per month depending on her work hours. See the difference? The pay was doubled and to think my sister studied four years just to get a degree in nursing as oppose to my sister who stopped and became a factory worker in Japan. Work wise it is my sister, who is a nurse, gets the easier way of working but that’s not the point is it? Also there are a lot of job openings in other countries as oppose to here that pays you more than you can imagine. They are going for the sure win win rather than gamble everything and start up their own company. Going back to the possible implications, if the IT industry blossoms here in Davao, a lot of graduates would probably stay, work, and build up their own IT careers and families here in Davao. And maybe, just maybe, those graduates who left Davao would decide and start going back to take root here. Then Davao becomes the starting place and quarters of most highly competent IT professionals with sound social and ethical standards. Schools here in Davao pertaining to IT becomes renowned not just locally and nationwide but worldwide! Wouldn’t that be amazing? Just one key and it will open up a bountiful of opportunities not just for you but also to Davao. But of course these are all just implications but still we’ll never know. But still though, we can’t change the fact that IT businesses here in Davao are quite low and we can’t deny the fact that, and blame, the graduates that supposed to be the key of changing Davao’s IT industry that is one of the reasons and factors why they are seeking a place with a lot resources to pursue their IT careers and leave Davao for their own purpose in life. Everything that you have read here is actually for the sole purpose for the development of Davao and the ambition and maybe a dream of our very own facilitator that Davao will become the IT hub and capital of Mindanao - and possibly the Philippines, BIMP-EAGA, Asia Pacific Region. They even already thought of a name for it which is “The Silicon Gulf” of the Philippines or rather in the Asia Pacific Region. “Technopreneurship programs should be added as an integral part of the education offering an entrepreneurial culture by planting the seeds for new ventures, preparing entrepreneurs through technopreneurship education, and providing the infrastructure to perpetuate and support new start-ups and ventures. The program should integrate value chain of enterprise creation; one that encourages start-ups, tolerates failure and rewards well” –Rajesh Sakya. This is just what our facilitator did and it amazes how Rajesh Sakya accurately defines in that paragraph the intention of our facilitator. If you did not know yet, it was our very own facilitator, sir Randy S. Gamboa aka RSG together with his partner, who brought technopreneurship here in Davao City. They were invited to a seminar, or something similar, about Technopreneurship in Australia but they decided to decline the offer. What did they do? Instead of going to Australia they reversed the order and made those people who are big in technopreneurship to come here in the Philippines, specifically in Davao, instead. They gathered enough interested people on hearing all about technopreneurship ad later made a group just for the sole reason of promoting technopreneurship here in Davao, in the Philippines. I was quite amazed by sir RSG at that moment. He was already thinking outside box even way before. He’s the man! And he also did share to us how Technopreneurship became part of CHED’s memo and he was mainly part of it. Listening to his stories just made realize how awesome and exceptional sir RSG was (and still is until now). Sir RSG never ceases to amaze me.
Going deeper to the key topic of our class conversation that day, this is really it! This is the part I liked the most, the part where I learned and realized a lot things. This part talked about the reality, a life lesson, a reality that involves business and technology right here in Mindanao. The perspective of technopreneurship or rather it’s components in a school based ecosystem. These components include the usual mindset (which I’ve already discussed above), its alternative mindset (which I’ve also already discussed above), the macro and micro strategy, and the infrastructure of technopreneurship and most of all the SEED curriculum or model if that’s what you like to call it. So now let’s talk about the SEED model. S – stands for “Self-Mastery”. First E – stands for “Environment Mastery”. The second E – stands for “Enterprise Master”. And last but not the least, D – which stands for “Development”. Based on what sir RSG discussed, Self-Mastery is a passion that comes from knowing yourself. Discover your weaknesses and strengthen your most valuable skills and capabilities. Knowing yourself better before anything else is very important. This is like mastering your skills and talents and taking it to the next level and the same time strengthening your weaknesses to decrease you vulnerability when a problem comes. Knowing yourself much better can help you, as an individual, determine your skills and how far your creativity takes you in innovating something new, something original with a purpose. As I said before, I did have regrets choosing this line of course. I could have been an artist, a detective, a technician because I know I have the passion for arts, and even though being a detective is not a game I think it’s fun, and most of all I have the knack of tinkering through broken things and fix it. And now I’m thinking why not ring those passion and talents to the IT industry? It’s all about how you handle yourself in different situations with the best of your abilities. This is a very big help for me and for us to discover what will be our possible future in this area of Information Technology. In order to be a good technopreneur, you should master and know yourself better. The first letter E in SEED means Environmental Mastery. It usually involves generating business ideas, plans, and seeking for opportunities out from our environment through different style like serendipity walks, crisis, trends and anything under the sun. Just like what we did in our previous activity, we visited business establishments, observe these places, look for flaws or rather any inconveniences, and think of something we can innovate to simply business operation and make the customer’s life easy and comfy. These wild and creative ideas are just examples of what could do to contribute in today’s technological era if we ever manage to pursue it and if, of course, our idea is actually pretty decent, original and full of purpose. Every one of us has experienced crisis and hardships. From that, we could make it a motivation to create and innovate ideas pertaining those hardships we encountered in our life. We need not to be afraid of failures. Instead use those failures as fuels to light up your burning desire to succeed. Take it as lesson learned, never make it happen again. Move forward and dream high. Our own hobbies could also help us think of a playful, unique but also an idea with a lot of purpose. Just open your imaginative mind to create something new which could progress the quality of life. The second letter E stands for Enterprise Mastery. The word itself describes an idea on how to run business operations such as companies and marketing, and other business establishments. Lastly the D stands for development which refers to the development of the business itself. Planning the business starts here where you need to brainstorm with your team mates, write your ideas, present and defend it. This could also refer to the actual development of a project.